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Three Gluten-Free meals in Rovaniemi
Below you’ll find a review of three gluten free restaurants we found in Rovaniemi, and if you have to follow a gluten free diet too, the most important thing to learn before going to Finland is: Gluteeniton.

5 cose da non perdere a Rovaniemi
Durante il nostro soggiorno a Rovaniemi, abbiamo visitato tre musei. In realtà eravamo a conoscenza soltanto di uno dei tre, perché avevamo fatto della ricerca prima di partire, ma abbiamo scoperto gli altri due grazie al culture pass che ti permette di visitarli tutti per 20€ (solo 5€ in più del prezzo per uno solo).

5 things not to miss in Rovaniemi
We visited three museums in Rovaniemi, one of them because we knew about it and were interested in it and two of them because of the culture pass. If you visit in January, museums are great because you find out so much more about the place and at the same time you keep warm for an hour or so – win win!