Eight-days itinerary in the North of Italy + Florence

Eight-days itinerary in the North of Italy + Florence

An itinerary for discovering some of the must-see places in Northern Italy, mixed with some quirky locations that you probably wouldn’t find on mainstream tourist advice.

48 hours in Paris: where to go and what to do

48 hours in Paris: where to go and what to do

On the 23rd of April, we went to London to watch Les Miserables at the Sondheim Theatre. Since Blake has wanted to meet a friend in Paris for a long time, we thought of booking a train there for Sunday morning and visiting the French Capital.

A spontaneous trip to Brighton: three things we loved

A spontaneous trip to Brighton: three things we loved

We have just returned from four days in Brighton, which we had barely planned. We had no itinerary nor list of things to do (which is incredibly unlikely for me), so here’s a list of three things we ended up doing, and we enjoyed loads.

How to spend a cultural, but boho-chic day in London

Last Sunday, I took the train down to London to spend one day with my friend Margarida, who crafted the perfect one-day itinerary for us to enjoy a mix of boho-chic and evergreen, classic locations. On top of that, we have recently got the National Art Pass, and we wanted to make the most out of it.

Three traditional pubs you must try in Llangollen

Three traditional pubs you must try in Llangollen

Our trip to Llangollen involved a lot of delicious pub food – not complaining – and you can find a selection of our favourite places below. One thing to point out is that all pubs we visited were dog-friendly and we had no issues whatsoever travelling with our fairly bulky dog.

Three hot spots you don’t want to miss in Llangollen

Three hot spots you don’t want to miss in Llangollen

You know those days in between Christmas and New Year’s Eve when you have no idea what to do with your life? You can’t start on your New Year Resolutions just yet as they’d technically not count on any of your activity trackers, but you don’t even want to sit on the sofa for so long that you’ll become one with it.

Cinque Terre: due giorni da favola

Cinque Terre: due giorni da favola

A Gennaio, di ritorno dal nostro viaggio in Finlandia, abbiamo passato serate tra vino e birrette programmando le nostre classiche due settimane di vacanza a Settembre. Per il 2020, la meta stabilita era il Centro America. Ci sognavamo sdraiati su una spiaggia a Panama, sorseggiando Rhum tra un tuffo e l’altro. Invece siamo finiti alle Cinque Terre, beh, poteva andare peggio!

Three Gluten-Free meals in Rovaniemi

Three Gluten-Free meals in Rovaniemi

Below you’ll find a review of three gluten free restaurants we found in Rovaniemi, and if you have to follow a gluten free diet too, the most important thing to learn before going to Finland is: Gluteeniton.

5 cose da non perdere a Rovaniemi

5 cose da non perdere a Rovaniemi

Durante il nostro soggiorno a Rovaniemi, abbiamo visitato tre musei. In realtà eravamo a conoscenza soltanto di uno dei tre, perché avevamo fatto della ricerca prima di partire, ma abbiamo scoperto gli altri due grazie al culture pass che ti permette di visitarli tutti per 20€ (solo 5€ in più del prezzo per uno solo).

5 things not to miss in Rovaniemi

5 things not to miss in Rovaniemi

We visited three museums in Rovaniemi, one of them because we knew about it and were interested in it and two of them because of the culture pass. If you visit in January, museums are great because you find out so much more about the place and at the same time you keep warm for an hour or so – win win!

Latvia, 5 days step-by-step

Latvia, 5 days step-by-step

Il primo giorno di questa vacanza lo passerete a Riga, la capitale della Lettonia, nonché splendida città piena di carattere e romantiche viuzze. Scopri le prossime tappe nel blog!

Lettonia, 5 giorni passo a passo

Lettonia, 5 giorni passo a passo

Il primo giorno di questa vacanza lo passerete a Riga, la capitale della Lettonia, nonché splendida città piena di carattere e romantiche viuzze. Scopri le prossime tappe nel blog!